This specification is approved for use by the Department of the Air Force and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense within the distribution limitations noted at the bottom of the cover page.
1.1 Scope.
This specification establishes the performance requirements and verifications for electric power subsystems (EPS) for aerospace vehicles, including aircraft, helicopters, and missiles.
1.2 Application.
This specification is applicable to aerospace vehicles and is mandatory for use by the Department of the Air Force. Utilization equipments must be compatible with the power quality requirements specified herein.
1.3 Use.
This specification cannot be used for contractual purposes without supplemental information relating to the performance requirements of electric power subsystems for aircraft.
1.3.1 Structure.
The need for supplemental information is indicated by blanks within the specification.
1.3.2 Instructional handbook.
The instructional handbook, which is contained in the appendix herein, provides the rationale for requirements, guidance for the tailoring of requirements, and a lessons learned repository.
1.3.3 Navigation of document.
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